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London to Accra Travel Insights
Smart Tips for an Effortless Journey to Accra
Value Season in May
May is the best time to travel to Accra if you want to avoid crowds. During this value season, prices drop by an average of 27%.
Best Deal Flight
The best deal for a flight from London to Accra is around £250. Keep an eye on special offers or promotions, and you might snag a great deal for your journey to Accra.
Peak Season in December
December is the busiest time to fly from London to Accra, with prices increasing by an average of 55%.
Average Round Trip Flight Price
The typical round-trip flight from London to Accra costs around £810. Be mindful of this average price while planning your trip. Check for any discounts or deals to make your journey more budget-friendly.

Immerse Yourself in Accra's Cultural Tapestry!

Delve into the rich cultural tapestry of Accra by participating in traditional dances at the Arts Centre. Indulge your taste buds at the Bazaar Restaurant or savor street food along High Street for an authentic culinary experience. With English widely spoken and the local currency being the Ghanaian Cedi (GHS), navigating the city is a breeze. Accra follows Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), and most visitors require a visa. Enjoy hassle-free transportation with tro-tros for public transit or opt for the flexibility of car rentals to explore Accra and its surroundings at your own pace.

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